Club Meetings

Our monthly meetings are held in person and on Zoom on the third Tuesday of each month. We gather around 6:30 pm to socialize, start the meeting promptly at 7 pm, and end at 8:30 pm. Stay longer for more bee conversations! Tom and Jill Hendrickson graciously allow us to meet at the scenic lodge at Bennett Bunn at 1915 Old Bunn Rd in Zebulon, NC. Turn at the barn, drive slowly past the horses, and continue towards the left until you reach the lodge next to a pond. Drive carefully, there are friendly dogs and cats that live there. You don’t need to be a member to attend in person, but you need to be a member to attend on Zoom. Look for an email with a link a few days before the meeting.

Club Apiary

The Club Apiary has three concurrent projects: 

  • Sustainable Apiary – hands-on experience for novice beekeepers
  • Horizontal Hives – learn about Long Lang and Top Bar Hives (see below)
  • Hive Monitoring – using temperature sensors and scales to understand bee behavior (see below)

Club members have access to our Apiary Day events to get experience, ask questions, and have a good time talking about bees with other members. Events are usually held every two weeks, the time is dependent on weather conditions. See the Signup Genius email.

Executive Committee (EC) Meetings

This club belongs to the members and the EC Meetings are open to all members. The committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month. Currently, we meet on Zoom. If you wish to attend, please email us and ask for the meeting link.

Hive Monitoring Special Interest Group (SIG)

The Hive Monitoring Special Interest Group meets on Zoom on the fourth Tuesday of each month. We discuss data from the apiary and our individual hives, looking for patterns and solving problems. During the Apiary Days, sensors are checked and data is downloaded.

Sometimes we have a guest speaker at our meeting. Watch for an email announcement a few days before the meeting or contact Anya McGuirk.

In October 2021, Robert Lelewski, from Hickory, was our speaker. He has been playing with beehives and electronic gadgets since 2014 when he first stuck a Raspberry Pi in the garden in an attempt to learn more about beekeeping. He talked about his experiences, both good and bad, in attempting to collect data from his beehives to better understand what is happening inside the hive. He also shares happenings about his small-scale apiary on his FaceBook page:

Gardening & Bees Interest Group (SIG)

This group is having its first meeting on Saturday, July 24, 2022. Join if you would like to learn more about gardening for pollinators. Contact Steve Amerige or [email protected] for more information.

Long Hive Special Interest Group (SIG)

This project was started to give interested members a chance to learn how to manage bees in a Long Lang Hive and a Top Bar Hive. Currently, the group is not meeting but the hives are being maintained along with the other club hives. Come to an Apiary Day if you’d like to see the hives!

New Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Do you have ideas for a new Special Interest Group for 2022? Have an idea for a new project in the Apiary? Talk to a club officer or send us an email at [email protected].

Mentoring Program

Five County Beekeepers Association mentors new beekeepers through Field Days at the Club Apiary. This gives new beekeepers a chance to see the conditions in many hives (8-16) and learn from several experienced beekeepers. Learn how to inspect hives and what tasks to do throughout the year. Each hive in the apiary has a different lesson to teach and the attendees leave with an understanding of how they can use the information with their own bees.

Facebook Group

Ask questions and connect with other beekeepers in our club’s Facebook Group, managed by Darryl Gabritsch. Ask to join and contribute to the conversation.

Speakers for Classes and Clubs

Members are available to speak to local school groups and clubs that are interested in honeybees. We have demonstration materials appropriate for different ages. Email if you need a speaker or if you need to use the materials.


Swarms can happen from February to October in this region of NC. If you see a swarm, call us. If you would like to be on the call-out list to capture swarms, contact Tim Huffman.

Club Equipment to Borrow

Members can borrow club equipment including a 3-frame electric honey extractor and tools needed for harvesting your honey. Watch the tutorial on using the extractor, then call Tim Huffman to arrange pickup.

Club Picnics and Potlucks

Once or twice a year, we meet to have fun, socialize, and have bee races! Announcements are at the meeting and in the newsletter. Our annual Holiday Potluck will be in December.